1. Work out daily.
Most people make this resolution every year. I just want to be comfortable in my body, I'm not hoping to be a size 2. I just want to be able to feel good.
2. Start a project and complete it before starting a new one.
I am HORRIBLE at this. I always will start a project then think of something new and have 5 half done projects that end up being tossed.
3. Be better with my money.
I recently had to move back home because I could no longer really afford my apartment. This was not all due to my negligence with money, I had to take a lot of time off work for school. I used to be really good about saving my money, but recently that has not been happening at all. I want to get my savings account back up to $1000, as well as having my credit card fully paid off.
4. Take pictures more and do things with those pictures.
I am so bad at taking pictures, I always have been. I want to really document my life in photograph, and then display those pictures more. I have so many pictures I have actually taken, but I am the only one that ever sees them on my phone or camera. That is changing.
5. Blog more.
I go through spurts with this thing. I don't have avid followers by any means, but someday I might. I want to get in the habit now so it is a habit later.