Sunday, March 13, 2011

365 Days

So I have decided that I want to do a 365 days challenge. Now, since I am dreadfully aware of my lack of commitment to something of this nature I will take a picture everyday of what I did and then post them hopefully at least once a week.

March 9

Day 1

I saw baby Traeson today. We went out to eat. The Blue Lemon. Definitely a new favorite.

He was a bit fussy at first, he fell asleep at home and then woke up in a new place with new people around. Not ideal for a baby.

He is growing up so much. It is crazy. He rarely needs help to hold his head up anymore, and he rolls around on his own. And he is a little talking machine!

He has recently become quite the drooler..

March 10

Day 2

As you may or may not know I crochet hats. A lot of hats. this is the most recent hat I have crocheted and I also made up the pattern. It is a monster and is stinkin' cute if you ask me!

March 11

Day 3

So my room has recently become a disaster. I am doing a complete over haul of this place during the break. So I am going to show a before and after picture. Here is the before (try not to scream!):

March 13

Day 4

So today was a lazy day. I decided to paint my nails and they were going to look amazing. I'm not so thrilled with the turn out..

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