Monday, January 20, 2014

A Goal

As many people know, I am the period owner of a Fitbit. I love this little guy. It gets me to move more just about any other motivation. I got my stats from last year and I walked over 840 miles last year. I have decided that this year I am going to try to hit 1000 miles this year. I did the math, and that is about 2.7 miles a day. As of right now, I'm roughly 22 miles behind schedule. I've been a little lazy so far this year.

Luckily, it's a leap year so I have one woke extra day to try to get there.

Here's to making this year more productive than the last!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Curiouser and curiouser

I do not understand boys.

Last night this boy I had been texting basically non stop all day keeps hinting he wants me to invite him over. I had been cleaning all day and changing my room up so I didn't shower, which may me weary of asking him to come over. Finally, at 1:30 am I do invite him over because I was working on a hat and I just wanted to finish it. He comes over and he sit and talk. I'm sorry, when I invite you over after midnight I expect to cuddle. Not sit near each other and chat. That is a daylight activity.

He really wanted to come over to talk for an hour and a half? I mean, we had good conversations, but I can talk and cuddle and the same time.

Here's that hat. I love it. Took barely over 2 hours to make.

Friday, January 3, 2014

So cute. So messy.

I bought myself a brand new nail polish while shopping today. It was a shimmery navy blue.


I get home and open all the things I got and put them away.

Picked up the nail polish.

Immediately dropped it on the tile in my bathroom.


Nail polish everywhere.

Apparently it was pretty good stuff.

It's not coming off my hands.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

And Through the Woods

I have started another blog called to sell my hats. I am extremely nervous about either it being no good or that it will consume my already busy life. But I am also very excited about it.

I have to say, it is much better designed blog than this one was. I decided to do some 2014 sprucing of this old, outdated thing! It's simple, but clean. Which is what I wanted. Maybe I'll be learning more about how to jazz up blogs throughout the year and it will be awesome! But for now, this

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

National Resolution Day

Happy New Year! Today is a day to look back on the past year; remember some of the sad moment, relish in the good ones. I'm not doing a "Top Ten of the Past Year" or a bunch of pictures from my favorite moments. I am only writing.

This year I have decided I am not making resolutions like I usually do. People make a list of goals for the upcoming year, but typically do little to achieve them. Then, at the end of the year, feel bad about not working harder so they vow to work even harder the next year. This is a vicious cycle that I am stopping for myself today.

This year for me, lack of a better word, resolution I am vowing to have a better year than last. The past four years have been rough for me. I usually just put on strong face for everyone else, then break down once I'm alone. This year I'm not doing that. I am going let people know how I feel and not let everything tumble down on top of me.

The future already looks much brighter. This year I will be graduating college! (A day I thought may never come with some of the obstacles I've had.) With graduating college the world will be my oyster, and I shall treat it as such. I will truly have the opportunity to put myself first, something I struggle with a lot. With the opportunity I will be able to decide what it is a really want. Do I want to stay in the area I grew up in? Do I want to move to Salt Lake like I've been telling myself? Do I need to stay close to Trae? Do I need to be close to my family? Would leaving Utah really be the best option for me? I don't know the answers to these questions yet. But I will.

This is my New Years Resolution: This year I am going to start living my life for me.