Thursday, May 24, 2012


Today I scared the pants off a child at school today. Now, before you think I am mean teacher, let me explain. Yes, I scared him on purpose. But, no, he wasn't one of my students. He is one of my co-worker's sons. He is eight years old. There is an unspoken knowledge that we are in a scaring contest that shall last a quarter of a decade. The night I first met him was at the Christmas party we did this year. He scared me so bad, and continued to try to scare me throughout the rest of the night. I saw him today for the first time since that night. The first thing he says to me, "I remember you, I scared you really bad!" I knew I needed to scare him, and scare him bad. We were at the park and he was going down the twirly slide, I crouched down and waited. He had NO idea I was there. His mom was standing facing the slide, and she was excited to watch me scare him. When I saw his feet get to the bottom I popped out and shouted a loud quick, "AH!!" Oh boy was he scared! It was awesome! Probably one of the best scares I've ever done. I know to watch my back the next time I see him, though.

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